What We Do

We Deliver...

…customized solutions that empower you to achieve optimal movement, performance, and recovery. Backed by 10+ years of experience and cutting-edge sports science, our staff of skilled Doctors of Physical Therapy will ensure you get the best, personalized treatment framework based upon your unique needs, providing the right solution that optimizes you for peak performance, training and recovery.

You only have one body and one chance to optimize and heal it. You can try other solutions, but why take the gamble with your body?

Let SAFE Physical Therapy be your secret weapon, and do it right the first time.

Personalized Treatment Programs

A personalized Physical Therapy treatment program is a customized plan designed by your Physical Therapist to address your specific needs and goals.

At SAFE Physical Therapy, your Physical Therapist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, which may include assessing range of motion, strength, flexibility, posture, and analyzing movement patterns. This helps identify areas of concern and determines the appropriate treatment approach.

Based on the evaluation findings and goals, your Physical Therapist will employ a variety of treatment techniques. They will closely monitor your progress throughout the treatment program. Regular reassessments are conducted to track improvements and modify the treatment plan as needed. Your Physical Therapist may make adjustments to exercise intensity, technique, or add new exercises to continually challenge you and optimize outcomes.

In addition to in-clinic sessions, your Physical Therapist will educate you about your condition, proper body mechanics, and strategies for self-management. This empowers you to take an active role in your recovery, make appropriate lifestyle modifications, and minimize future injuries.

By tailoring the treatment program to the specific needs, abilities, and goals of each patient, treatment at SAFE Physical Therapy aims to optimize rehabilitation outcomes and promote the return to a functional and active lifestyle.

Radial Pressure Wave Therapy

Radial Pressure Wave Therapy (RPWT), is a non-invasive treatment method that utilizes high-energy acoustic waves to stimulate healing and alleviate pain in various musculoskeletal conditions.

During radial pressure wave therapy, a handheld device is used to deliver mechanical pressure waves to the affected area of the body. These pressure waves are generated by compressed air and transmitted through a specialized applicator. The waves travel through the skin and underlying tissues, producing therapeutic effects including:

Pain Reduction: RPWT can help alleviate pain by stimulating nerve fibers that inhibit pain signals and by promoting the release of natural pain-relieving substances in the body, such as endorphins.

Tissue Healing: The mechanical pressure waves generated by RPWT stimulate the production of growth factors and enhance blood circulation in the treated area, promoting tissue regeneration and healing.

Breakdown of Calcifications: RPWT is effective in breaking down calcifications or calcium deposits in tendons, such as those seen in conditions like calcific tendinitis.

Reduction of Muscle Tone: RPWT can help reduce muscle tone and spasticity by relaxing muscle fibers and improving tissue flexibility.

Improved Range of Motion: By targeting scar tissue and adhesions, RPWT can help improve joint mobility and range of motion.

Enhanced Cell Metabolism: The mechanical stimulation from RPWT can increase cellular metabolism, promoting the exchange of nutrients and waste removal, which contributes to tissue healing and regeneration.

Is Radial Pressure Wave Therapy the same as therapeutic ultrasound?

Radial Pressure Wave Therapy (RPWT) involves the use of high-energy acoustic waves generated by a handheld device. These waves are transmitted to the body’s tissues through a specialized applicator, creating a mechanical pressure that stimulates the tissues. RPWT promotes tissue healing, improves blood circulation, reduces pain, and enhances tissue mobility. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as tendinopathies, plantar fasciitis, calcific tendonitis, and musculoskeletal disorders.

On the other hand, therapeutic ultrasound utilizes high-frequency sound waves generated by an ultrasound machine. These impalpable sound waves, theoretically, penetrate the body’s tissues, creating a thermal effect and promoting tissue healing.

Dynamic Compression Therapy

NormaTec is the industry leader in dynamic compression systems for recovery purposes.

These systems consist of compression boots or sleeves that utilize sequential compression to enhance circulation and aid in recovery. Many athletes and individuals find NormaTec systems to be useful and beneficial.

NormaTec compression systems work by applying calculated pressure to different areas of the legs, starting from the feet gradually moving upward. The compression cycles mimic the natural pumping action of the muscles, promoting blood flow and lymphatic drainage. The sequential compression helps to flush out metabolic waste products, reduce swelling, and facilitate the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

Why use Dynamic Compression Therapy?

Enhanced recovery: NormaTec is often used as a recovery tool after intense exercise or physical activity. The compression helps to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, speed up the removal of metabolic waste products, and promote faster recovery.

Improved circulation: The sequential compression of NormaTec systems can enhance blood flow and circulation in the legs. This can be beneficial for individuals who experience poor circulation or those who spend long periods in a sedentary position, such as during long flights or desk-bound work.

Decreased swelling and inflammation: NormaTec compression may assist in reducing swelling and inflammation in the legs. This can be particularly helpful for individuals with conditions like edema or for those recovering from injuries or surgeries.

Relaxation and comfort: Many people find NormaTec compression sessions to be relaxing and soothing. The rhythmic squeezing and release of the compression can provide a comforting sensation and aid in stress reduction.

Blood Flow Restriction Training

Blood flow restriction (BFR) training involves applying a restrictive cuff around a limb to partially limit blood flow while exercising. This technique has gained attention particularly in the fields of rehabilitation, sports performance, and muscle hypertrophy.

Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gains: BFR training, when combined with low-intensity resistance exercise, has been shown to induce muscle hypertrophy and strength gains comparable to traditional high-intensity resistance training. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are unable to tolerate high loads or are recovering from injuries.

Metabolic Stress and Endocrine Responses: BFR training creates a localized hypoxic environment and accumulation of metabolites within the muscles, leading to increased metabolic stress. This can stimulate the release of anabolic hormones and growth factors, contributing to muscle adaptation and repair.

Time-Efficient Training: BFR training allows for shorter training sessions with similar benefits compared to traditional high-intensity resistance training. This can be advantageous for individuals with time constraints or those seeking efficient workouts.

Rehabilitation and Muscle Activation: BFR training has shown promise in accelerating rehabilitation following injuries, surgeries, or periods of immobilization. It can help improve muscle activation, reduce muscle atrophy, and enhance functional outcomes.

Considerations and Safety: BFR training requires careful application and monitoring to ensure safety. Proper equipment, personalized pressure settings, and appropriate exercise selection are essential.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a manual therapy technique used by SAFE Physical Therapists to treat musculoskeletal conditions. It involves the use of specialized tools or instruments to mobilize and manipulate soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia.

IASTM is performed by applying controlled pressure and gentle strokes on the affected area of the body. SAFE Physical Therapists use instruments to detect and target areas of soft tissue dysfunction, scar tissue, adhesions, or myofascial restrictions. The technique aims to effectively remodel scar tissue, improve tissue mobility, increase blood circulation, and promote healing.

Here are some ways in which Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) can be helpful:

Pain Reduction: IASTM can help alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions by reducing muscle tension, releasing trigger points, and breaking up adhesions or scar tissue that may contribute to pain.

Improved Range of Motion: By targeting restrictions and adhesions within the soft tissues, IASTM can help improve joint range of motion and flexibility. It can restore normal tissue extensibility, allowing for more efficient movement and improved functional abilities.

Enhanced Tissue Healing: The controlled pressure and strokes applied during IASTM can promote tissue healing by increasing local blood flow and stimulating the inflammatory response. This can help accelerate tissue repair and remodeling, especially in chronic or repetitive strain injuries.

Remodeling of Scar Tissue: IASTM is particularly effective in remodeling scar tissue and adhesions that may form following surgery, injury, or overuse. By applying the instruments along the scar tissue or adhesion lines, the therapist can help remodel the tissues, improve their elasticity, and restore normal function.

Pre/Post Surgical Rehabilitation

Pre-Surgical Rehabilitation Training

Education and Preparation: The pre-surgical rehabilitation phase involves providing information and education to the individual about the surgical procedure, expected recovery process, and rehabilitation goals. This helps individuals understand what to expect, manage expectations, and actively participate in their recovery.

Preparing the Body: Pre-surgical rehabilitation focuses on optimizing the individual’s physical condition prior to surgery. This may involve exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness, which can help enhance surgical outcomes and facilitate recovery.

Pain Management: If the person is experiencing pain or discomfort prior to surgery, the pre-surgical rehabilitation program may include pain management strategies such as manual therapy, modalities, and therapeutic exercises to help alleviate pain and improve function.

Range of Motion and Mobility: Pre-surgical rehabilitation may also include exercises and stretches to improve joint range of motion and mobility. This can help prevent or minimize post-operative complications such as stiffness or loss of motion.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation Training

Wound Care and Scar Management: In the early stages of post-surgical rehabilitation, the focus is on wound care, ensuring proper healing, and managing any post-operative pain. Scar management techniques such as massage, taping, and specialized skincare may be utilized.

Restoring Mobility and Function: Post-surgery, rehabilitation aims to restore mobility, strength, and function. The program may include exercises targeting specific muscles, joints, or body regions affected by the surgery. Gradual progression is typically employed, starting with gentle movements and gradually increasing intensity.

Pain and Swelling Management: Post-operative rehabilitation often involves managing pain and swelling through various modalities, such as ice or heat therapy, compression, and manual techniques. Pain management techniques can help individuals tolerate and actively engage in their rehabilitation program.

Functional Rehabilitation: As healing progresses, the rehabilitation program may focus on functional activities specific to the individual’s daily life, occupation, or sport. This can include exercises that mimic real-life movements and tasks to promote a safe return to normal activities.

Gradual Return to Activities: The rehabilitation program gradually progresses, allowing individuals to regain strength, endurance, and function. The therapist monitors progress, adjusts the program as needed, and provides guidance on returning to work, sports, or recreational activities safely.

Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation training programs are highly individualized and tailored to the specific surgery, the person’s condition, and their rehabilitation goals. Your SAFE Physical Therapist will ensure a safe and effective recovery process.

Dynamic Cupping Therapy

Dynamic cupping therapy is a variation of traditional cupping therapy where the cups are moved across the skin during the treatment.

Here’s how dynamic cupping therapy is typically performed:

Cup Placement: Initially, cups are applied to the skin using suction to create a vacuum seal. They are typically placed on areas of the body that can benefit from treatment, such as areas of muscle tension, trigger points, or areas with restricted movement.

Cup Movement: Once the cups are in place, your Physical Therapist will apply a lubricating agent, such as massage oil or lotion, to allow the cups to glide smoothly over the skin. The cups are then moved in a controlled and rhythmic manner, either in linear or circular motions, across the targeted area.

Techniques and Speed: Various techniques can be employed during dynamic cupping therapy, including traditional gliding, pumping, zigzag, or spiral movements. Your Physical Therapist will adjust the speed and pressure of cup movement based on your comfort level and treatment goals.

Treatment Duration: The duration of dynamic cupping therapy can vary depending on the specific condition and individual needs. Typically, your Physical Therapist will perform the cupping technique for several minutes per area or as determined by the treatment plan.

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